Yann Dupont A techophile

Tue 24 March 2015


About this blog

I resisted long, long, time -even longer than that-. Anyway, even if I think that, in general, blogs and social networks are of poor interest, sometimes they offer real value. Some examples are http://dachary.org or http://www.sebastien-han.fr

That's probably why I decided to start this technically oriented Blog.

This blog is about exotic destinations from a technophile point of view, that is, open-source technologies not yet mainstream. You'll find some tips about distributed storages, (ceph), embedded boards (ARM, for examples), and probably lots of other things - RiscV comes to mind..

Stay tuned, this will take a little time to shape it up, as my spare time is... very spare. I'm not doing wonders with HTML, I'm just discovering Pelican, which is probably the best tool for this aim.

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